Whose Internet? Towards a Feminist Digital Future for Africa | IGF 2023 Open Forum #59

12 Oct 2023 04:00h - 05:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Saba Tiku Beyene

  • Ananda Gautam, Youth IGF Nepal

  • Lily Edinam Botsyoe

  • Marco Paloski
  • Nicolas Fiumarelli
  • Nicolas Fiumarelli

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The ISOC Alumni network has achieved significant milestones in its efforts to promote internet governance. They have conducted a series of workshops on diverse topics, such as artificial intelligence and encryption. These workshops have educated internet society members and youth ambassadors about crucial issues in the digital sphere. Additionally, the network has organized huddle sessions at renowned international conferences such as ICANN, Wright’s Con, and Eurodig. These sessions have provided a platform for networking and knowledge sharing among the participants.

Another noteworthy accomplishment of the ISOC Alumni network is their involvement in welcoming new Youth Ambassadors. By assisting in the meet and greet process, the network ensures a smooth transition and integration for these ambassadors into their roles. This support contributes to the development of a strong and effective youth community within the internet governance landscape.

During the audience interaction, questions were raised about the importance of youth initiatives in promoting internet governance. The audience also expressed interest in the involvement of ISOC Alumni in advocacy and decision-making spaces. In response, it was emphasized that the network actively participates in advocacy efforts and collaborates with various stakeholders. The audience suggested that the ISOC Alumni network should play a more active role in advocacy and engage in decision-making spaces like the Global Digital Compact. Furthermore, the audience encouraged alumni members to support each other in advocacy work within their respective countries.

In addition to the main points discussed, an observation was made regarding the challenges faced by global teams within the network. Specifically, the issue of scheduling difficulties due to different time zones was highlighted. This insight indicates the need for better time management strategies and effective communication among global teams to overcome these challenges.

In conclusion, the ISOC Alumni network has made commendable achievements in promoting internet governance through workshops, huddle sessions, and support for Youth Ambassadors. The audience’s feedback underscores the importance of youth initiatives and advocacy. The network is encouraged to further engage in advocacy efforts and participate in decision-making spaces. Additionally, the observation regarding scheduling challenges highlights the need to address time zone differences for enhanced collaboration among global teams. Overall, the ISOC Alumni network continues to play a vital role in shaping the future of internet governance.


The USAGF, or the United States Alumni Global Fund, functions as a local platform that promotes knowledge application and fosters collaboration among individuals. It provides opportunities for organizing local events and discussions, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the formation of meaningful partnerships. This platform aims to harness the expertise and experiences of its members to tackle various challenges and contribute to sustainable development. The Internet Society has established an alumni network that offers valuable networking and capacity building opportunities. The alumni are connected through various fellowships and meetings, including ICANN meetings, RightsCon meetings, and regional IGFs (Internet Governance Forums). This extensive network not only provides a supportive community for its members but also serves as a gateway to various internet ecosystems. By providing support and sharing crucial information, the network enables easy entry and active participation in relevant initiatives. The Internet Society has introduced alumni huddles to further enhance collaboration and learning among its alumni. These huddles create a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. Through these collaborative settings, alumni can foster meaningful relationships, exchange knowledge, and develop innovative solutions to common challenges. Alumni huddles play a crucial role in facilitating networking opportunities and promoting continuous learning within the alumni community. The speaker in this context advocates for increased participation in the alumni network. Recognizing the immense value of being part of such a vibrant community, the speaker encourages all alumni to join and actively engage in the network. By broadening the network and fostering greater participation, the alumni community can maximize its potential to support quality education and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In conclusion, the USAGF and Internet Society’s alumni network are powerful platforms that enable knowledge sharing, collaboration, networking, and capacity building. These initiatives play a vital role in promoting sustainable development, supporting quality education, and fostering partnerships for the goals outlined in the SDGs. The call for increased participation serves as a reminder of the significant impact that active engagement within the alumni community can have on individuals and society as a whole.

Saba Tiku Beyene

Saba Tiku Beyene actively participates in the ‘Toolkit for Youth Participation in Internet Governance’ project, which aims to provide reliable and user-friendly information to young individuals interested in internet governance. The project encompasses a model Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and a concept note paper. With pathways for engagement at both the global and regional/national levels, the toolkit ensures inclusivity and empowers young people from diverse backgrounds to contribute to internet governance.

In addition to her project work, Saba is an advocate for the Internet Society’s (ISOC) youth ambassador program. Having been an alumna of the program, she recognizes the networking and professional growth opportunities it offers. Saba believes that participating in the ISOC youth ambassador program can lead to advocating for an open internet and becoming an expert in the field.

Saba Tiku Beyene’s involvement in the ‘Toolkit for Youth Participation in Internet Governance’ project and her support for the ISOC youth ambassador program demonstrate her commitment to empowering young people in shaping the future of internet governance. Her initiatives strive for a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable internet governance landscape.

Nicolas Fiumarelli

The ISOC Alumni Network plays a pivotal role in internet governance, conducting over 20 activities a year that focus on vital topics such as encryption and internet fragmentation. These activities include workshops and huddles, serving as platforms for brainstorming sessions, the exchange of ideas and information, and shared learning experiences among the alumni and new members of the ISOC cohorts. The 2023 monthly workshops will cover diverse themes like AI governance and interplanetary networks, highlighting the network’s commitment to staying at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies.

The alumni network’s activities not only contribute to strengthening bonds among its members but also advocate for an open and interconnected network. By resonating with ISOC’s mission of advocating for an open, interconnected network, these activities promote the values of inclusivity, collaboration, and volunteerism. The sense of camaraderie and support within the network is further bolstered by ISOC Alumni coffee chats, which offer a space for casual meetings within a tight-knit community. These chats are facilitated by Lily, who is responsible for creating an environment that highlights the value of casual connections within the network.

Moreover, the alumni huddles have played an instrumental role in fostering networking, collaboration, and learning. These huddles take place at different meeting points, including ICANN meetings, RightsCon meetings, and the regional Internet Governance Forums (IGFs). They provide opportunities for alumni to come together, exchange insights, and build valuable connections that contribute to their professional growth and development. Collaboration and learning are further promoted through ISOC workshops, which cover a diverse range of topics including internet fragmentation, AI governance, encryption, and more. These workshops feature senior speakers and alumni, who share their knowledge and experiences with the attendees.

Nicolas, a member of the alumni network, has shown strong positivity and satisfaction towards the accomplishments and contributions of the network. He is optimistic about future collaborations and the value they will bring. Throughout the year, the network has conducted various workshops, huddles, and coffee chats, all of which have been voluntary efforts. These activities have not only helped build strong relationships but have also disseminated knowledge and gained valuable insights on a wide range of topics.

One challenge that has been identified during global meetings is the issue of time zones. The universal meeting time of 13 UTC does not work well for members in the East of the Asia Pacific region. To address this, there is openness to the idea of parallel meetings at different times. In the past, activities have been duplicated at different hours to accommodate various time zones, ensuring inclusivity and participation from all members.

Overall, the ISOC Alumni Network is a significant platform comprising individuals who amplify its voice and mission through their respective organizations. The network’s dedication to internet governance, its commitment to staying up-to-date with emerging trends, and its focus on fostering strong relationships and collaboration make it an invaluable force in shaping the future of the internet.

Lily Edinam Botsyoe

The ISOC Alumni Network organises monthly coffee chat sessions to facilitate discussions on topics related to ISOC’s action plan. These coffee chats have been taking place for the past nine months, and the upcoming 10th session is scheduled for the 18th of October. The chats aim to create spaces where enthusiastic ISOC alumni can continue learning and collaborating towards upholding ISOC’s action plan.

Lily, a prominent member of the network, emphasises the significance of these coffee chat sessions in several ways. Firstly, these sessions serve as platforms to discuss cross-cutting issues, incorporating the voices of young individuals and fostering the growth of the network at the grassroots level. The approach of these coffee chats involves a 30-minute expert talk, followed by an open discussion. The discussions cover a wide range of topics, including encryption and gender bias in AI. This diverse range of subjects ensures that the alumni engage in meaningful conversations and gain valuable insights.

Lily calls upon ISOC alumni who have not yet participated in the coffee chats to join the discussions actively. She encourages them to take on roles as hosts or speakers, further enriching the conversations and bringing forth fresh perspectives. The coffee chat sessions provide a relaxed and inclusive environment where participants can freely ask questions and express their thoughts. At the end of each chat, action points are provided for attendees to implement, aligning the discussions with tangible outcomes and empowerment.

Additionally, there are also coffee chats available for support and resource sharing, which contribute to the overall advocacy and youth empowerment efforts. These chat sessions enable alumni to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate post-discussion through the Alumni mailing list. This communication channel facilitates ongoing collaboration and potentially opens up opportunities for global collaboration in the future.

Overall, the regular coffee chat sessions organised by the ISOC Alumni Network serve as crucial platforms for discourse, engagement, and personal growth. Through these sessions, alumni can actively contribute to ISOC’s action plan, foster inclusivity, and further the network’s impact in advocating for young people and providing support and resources. With a focus on diverse topics, active participation, and action-oriented outcomes, the coffee chats play a significant role in nurturing a thriving community of alumni committed to making a positive difference.

Ananda Gautam

Ananda, a coordinator from Nepal, plays a significant role in Youth IGF Nepal, an organization that annually organizes youth-led versions of Internet governance forums. A notable aspect of their work is the inclusion of multiple stakeholders in these sessions, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives is represented. The positive sentiment surrounding Youth IGF Nepal is further reinforced by their strong belief in empowering and building the capacity of young people. To support this belief, they actively send fellows to the India School on Internet Governance and encourage community members to apply for fellowship programs.

Ananda and their team are integral members of the Digital Freedom Coalition, which organizes the Digital Freedom Summit on a yearly basis. The positive sentiment surrounding this coalition can be attributed to their commitment to promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions, as well as fostering industry and innovation. Ananda’s team is a founding member of the Digital Freedom Coalition, highlighting their dedication to digital freedom and shaping the digital space.

One of Ananda’s core stances is supporting collaboration and interaction between various stakeholders to address pressing issues in the digital space. They actively invite multiple stakeholders to collaborate and work together on current internet issues. Furthermore, they extend invitations to other stakeholders, fostering discussions at the Digital Freedom Summit, which serves as a platform to address challenging topics within the digital realm. This approach reflects Ananda’s commitment to leveraging partnerships and achieving the goals of peace, justice, and strong institutions, as outlined in SDG 16.

In conclusion, Ananda’s work demonstrates a strong commitment to youth involvement, empowerment, and capacity building in the field of Internet governance. Their involvement in the Digital Freedom Coalition further illustrates their dedication to shaping the digital space and promoting collaboration between stakeholders. By organizing Youth IGF Nepal events and actively participating in the Digital Freedom Summit, Ananda actively contributes to discussions on pressing issues in the digital realm. Their efforts contribute towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Marco Paloski

The Youth Coalition on Internet Governance is a vital organisation that plays a significant role in enabling young people to comprehend the complex world of internet governance. By engaging individuals under the age of 35, the Coalition collaborates with them in various ways, including preparing proposals for Internet Governance Forum (IGF) sessions. This provides young people with an opportunity to contribute their ideas and perspectives to the global internet governance dialogue. Active participation in these discussions helps the Coalition empower young individuals to understand and shape the policies and frameworks governing the internet.

In addition to their involvement in IGF sessions, the Coalition also assists young people by sharing valuable job opportunities related to internet governance. By disseminating information about these opportunities, the Coalition ensures that young individuals have access to relevant career prospects in this field, thereby contributing to SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. The Coalition further keeps young people updated about various events and happenings in the internet governance space through a bi-weekly newsletter. This serves as a valuable resource for young individuals to stay informed about new developments, conferences, and fellowship opportunities.

Recognising the importance of mentorship for young people new to the field of internet governance, the Coalition runs a mentorship program in collaboration with the Internet Society. This program provides crucial guidance and support to cohorts of youth ambassadors, helping them navigate the intricacies of the internet governance landscape and gain practical experience. Through this mentorship program, the Coalition contributes to SDG 4: Quality Education by enhancing the skills and knowledge of young individuals pursuing a career in internet governance.

Networking is emphasised as an essential aspect of the Coalition’s work. Marco, a representative of the Coalition, highlighted the significance of networking in collaborating with other young individuals in the internet governance space. Building connections, exchanging ideas, and forging partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations allows the Coalition to strengthen the collective voice of young people in shaping the future of the internet.

In conclusion, the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance plays a pivotal role in empowering young individuals to understand and actively participate in internet governance. Through activities such as preparing proposals for IGF sessions, sharing job opportunities, and running a mentorship program in collaboration with the Internet Society, the Coalition provides invaluable support and resources to young individuals pursuing a career in this field. By emphasising the importance of networking, the Coalition fosters a community of passionate young people united in their efforts to shape the future of internet governance. Their dedication and commitment contribute to SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.


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