Internet of Things Global Summit

26 Oct 2015 - 27 Oct 2015

This year’s Internet of Things Global Summit will be taking place on October 26 & 27 at the iconic National Press Club in Washington D.C, and will once again bring together the leading representatives from the various IoT stakeholder communities.

The 2-day summit will look at the latest IoT innovations that are helping to change society and our future. It will also explore the key policy issues for IoT, and against the backdrop of the recent approval of the bipartisan IoT resolution, together with the launch of the Congressional Caucus on IoT earlier this year, participants will look at what is being done and what still needs to be done in order to fully maximize the promise of IoT.  

The Internet of Things will offer numerous benefits to consumers, industry and governments. It has the potential to change the way people interact with technology and everyday objects in fundamental ways. It will increase profitability and improve efficiency for companies across all sectors. It will also positively impact national and global priorities, including counter-terrorism and national security, preserving the environment, managing scarce resources, and assisted living. However, there are a number of key challenges and uncertainties that still remain, and the IoT stakeholder community must continue to work together to help solve these pressing issues.

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