[ONLINE] OEWG first round of informal meetings
The Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) will hold the first round of informal virtual meetings on 15, 17, and 19 June to give delegations the opportunity to continue our dialogue and identify areas for further convergence. The meetings will be dedicated to two agenda items: ‘Existing and Potential Threats’ and ‘Rules, norms and principles’. The meeting on 15 June will be dedicated to the discussion on ‘Existing and Potential Threats’ section of the pre-draft report 2. Delegations will address whether the current global situation has revealed additional or amplified existing threats in the sphere of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and international security. The meetings on 17 and 19 June will seek additional views from delegations on proposals under the agenda item ‘Rules, norms and principles.’ Delegations will discuss how these proposals might be reflected in the OEWG report. The meeting will also discuss how guidance to enable greater adherence to norms by states could be developed, shared or disseminated.
For more information, visit the official webpage.