Open workshop: Co-designing GIPO’s Observatory Tool – Bringing together IG communities

Brussels, Belgium

GIPO’s Observatory Tool has been launched in 2016 after a one-year process of collaboration and consultations with the Internet governance community. During an open workshop on 8 June, organised as part of EuroDIG, new developments in the Global Internet Policy Observatory will be presented and stakeholders will be invited to exchange views and ideas on the future of GIPO’s Observatory Tool. The Geneva Internet Platform will also participate in the open workshop.

The discussion will start with a presentation from GIPO’s Advisory Group, which will share conclusions from the previous roundtable on ‘GIPO contribution to multistakeholderism in Internet governance’. GIPO´s Observatory Tool will then be presented together with examples of usage. Different levels of collaboration and cross-fertilisation among other observatories will also be presented.

Participants will be invited to join the discussion on future collaboration, and develop answers to the following questions:

  1. How can GIPO’s Observatory Tool be further improved?
  2. How can GIPO increase its outreach beyond the usual suspects and other observatory platforms?
  3. How can GIPO help increase synergies among IG observatories this year?
  4. What’s the way forward for the GIPO initiative – what are the possibilities of joint ownership?

The open workshop will take place on 8 June, at 14:30-17:30 CEST (12:30-15:30 UTC). Read more about EuroDIG.
