swissnex Salon: Responsibility Towards Creation – Opening Event

5 Oct 2018 - 6 Oct 2018

San Francisco, California, the USA

swissnex Salon is a two-month series of activities envisioning a shift from the dominant view of innovation as a means to create economic value, towards becoming a source of societal value.

The opening event of swissnex Salon will be held on 5 October at Pier 17, swissnex San Francisco. The programme will host workshops and residencies, inspired by the preamble of the Swiss Constitution which highlights mindful responsibility towards creation and resolve for alliances that strenghten liberty, democracy, independence, and peace.

The goal of the event is to create a starting point for a collaborative dialogue between Switzerland and Silicon Valley. It will feature talks with high-level speakers, as well as sets of smaller activities, meant to start the conversation on the theme of responsibility toward creation, endeavoring to define the values and questions that will guide the Salon.

For more information about the event, visit the dedicated webpage.
