Closing session

8 Dec 2023 15:00h - 16:30h UTC

official event page

Table of contents

Disclaimer: This is not an official record of the UNCTAD eWeek session. The DiploAI system automatically generates these resources from the audiovisual recording. Resources are presented in their original format, as provided by the AI (e.g. including any spelling mistakes). The accuracy of these resources cannot be guaranteed. The official record of the session can be found on the UNCTAD website.

Full session report

Damilola Olokesusi

The speakers in the given statements express their positive outlook on the progress towards achieving gender equality in the digital economy. They emphasize the importance of ensuring equal representation of both men and women in this sector. The desire for inclusivity is highlighted, with a specific focus on addressing the notable absence of women in private and public conversations related to the digital economy.

The speakers advocate for proactive action to actively impact people’s lives and empower individuals. They reflect on the actions taken by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to involve women in discussions and decision-making processes. Furthermore, they mention plans to engage with policymakers back home by utilizing data and technology, suggesting a strategic approach to drive positive change.

Engaging women in the digital economy is seen as not only a matter of gender equality but also as a means to achieve overall economic prosperity. The speakers discuss the transformational impact of involving women in policy conversations, recognizing the potential for a ripple effect that will benefit both individuals and businesses alike. This highlights the importance of promoting women’s empowerment within the digital economy.

The analysis of the statements provides insight into the topics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are interrelated. Gender equality and the digital economy are closely linked, aligning with SDG 5 on Gender Equality and SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth. The overall positive sentiment expressed by the speakers reflects optimism and excitement about the progress being made in these areas.

In conclusion, there is a strong desire for equal representation of men and women in the digital economy, supported by a proactive approach to impacting people’s lives. Engaging women in this sector is not only seen as a matter of fairness but also as a means to drive economic prosperity. The speakers demonstrate optimism about the progress towards achieving gender equality in the digital economy and highlight the importance of inclusive conversations and strategic actions.

Hajo Lanz

The analysis presents four main points made by different speakers regarding digitalization and its impact on various aspects of society. The first point highlights that barriers to e-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are still valid, indicating that a digital divide still exists. This suggests that while digital trade has seen advancements over the years, there are still challenges that prevent SMEs from fully embracing e-commerce. These barriers may include limited access to technology and digital infrastructure, lack of digital skills and literacy, and inadequate financial resources to invest in digital platforms. The persistence of these barriers suggests that efforts to bridge the digital divide have not been entirely effective.

The second point focuses on the potential of digitalization to overcome inequalities and promote development. It acknowledges that the digital age is constantly evolving, with new innovations shaping our personal and professional lives. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, we can create opportunities for economic growth and social progress. Digitalization can improve access to education, healthcare, and financial services, which can help reduce inequalities and foster inclusive development. The argument here is that the transformative potential of digitalization should be maximized to create a more equitable and prosperous society.

However, the third point raises concerns about the current approach to digital issues in negotiations. It argues that development should be a core element in negotiations on digital matters. The existing plurilateral negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) are criticized for not adequately focusing on development. This implies that the discussions and agreements surrounding digital trade may not sufficiently address the needs and priorities of developing countries. The argument is that negotiations should place a greater emphasis on finding solutions that promote development and ensure that all countries benefit from the opportunities presented by digitalization.

The fourth point emphasizes the importance of inclusive outcomes in government decision-making regarding digitalization. It recognizes that digitalization affects everyone and calls for government officials in charge of digital governance to consider the views of society as a whole. In particular, they should ensure that the outcomes of digitalization policies advance human rights and protect the interests of all stakeholders. This highlights the need for stakeholder representation and participatory approaches in shaping digital governance frameworks.

In conclusion, the analysis reveals that there is still a digital divide, with barriers to e-commerce in SMEs persisting. However, digitalization has the potential to overcome inequalities and drive development, provided that development considerations are adequately integrated into digital negotiations. Additionally, inclusive outcomes that advance human rights should be sought in government decision-making on digitalization. These insights emphasize the importance of addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalization in a way that benefits all members of society.

Jovan Kurbalija

During E-week, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was used to transcribe and analyze all sessions, resulting in a total of 6,280 arguments being examined. This implementation of AI showcased its ability to efficiently and accurately process large volumes of data.

One notable aspect of the AI system used was its commitment to transparency, accountability, and openness. Recognising the importance of trust and reliability, the system was designed to be transparent, ensuring that data was provided only with the explicit consent of individuals involved. This emphasis on transparency resonated with participants, bolstering their confidence in AI technology and its outcomes.

In addition, the use of AI in transcribing and analyzing sessions presented an interesting observation regarding its potential impact on discussions. It revealed that AI has the capacity to revolutionize the way we engage in conversations. By providing detailed analyses of arguments and facts, AI systems can facilitate more informed and nuanced discussions, fostering a productive exchange of ideas and perspectives. This discovery highlighted the transformative potential of AI in shaping the future of discourse.

The consensus reached during E-week was that AI technology should be utilized for the betterment of humanity. Participants acknowledged that while technology, including AI, is an unstoppable force, it must be wielded in a manner that serves humanity’s well-being and interests. This sentiment aligns with the broader goal of leveraging technology to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9, which emphasizes using technology for inclusive and sustainable development.

In conclusion, the use of AI during E-week to transcribe and analyze sessions demonstrated its capabilities in efficiently processing large amounts of data. The emphasis on transparency and accountability further highlighted the importance of these traits in building trust and reliability in AI systems. Notably, the potential of AI to transform and enhance discussions was recognized, emphasizing the need for further exploration in this area. Ultimately, the prevailing belief was that AI technology should be applied to benefit humanity, in line with the goal of leveraging technology for sustainable and inclusive development.

Shamika N. Sirimanne

Shamika N. Sirimanne expresses her gratitude and recognition towards her colleagues Sabrina and Nathalie in a positive sentiment statement. The reason for this appreciation is their significant contributions to the organization and successful execution of the 2023 edition of E-Week, a collaboration and teamwork event. While specific details regarding their contributions are not mentioned, it can be inferred that Sabrina and Nathalie played an instrumental role in the planning, coordination, and implementation of E-Week activities.

Shamika also highlights the importance of collaborations with international organizations, particularly mentioning partnerships developed through E-Trade for All. These collaborations reflect Shamika’s acknowledgement and commitment to SDG 17: Partnerships for The Goals. By actively engaging with various international entities and fostering cooperation, Shamika and her team are working towards achieving sustainable development goals.

Although the absence of supporting facts limits further elaboration on the specific nature and outcomes of these partnerships, it can be inferred that the collaborations have been fruitful and have positively contributed to the goals of E-Week and the broader objectives of sustainable development.

In conclusion, Shamika N. Sirimanne’s statement serves as a recognition and appreciation of the invaluable contributions made by Sabrina and Nathalie to the successful organization and execution of the 2023 edition of E-Week, a collaboration and teamwork event. Additionally, Shamika emphasizes the significance of collaborations with international organizations, particularly highlighting partnerships established through E-Trade for All. These partnerships align with SDG 17 and showcase Shamika’s commitment to fostering global cooperation to achieve sustainable development goals. Though more specific details and evidence would further enrich the summary, the overall message highlights the importance of teamwork and international collaboration in attaining successful outcomes.

Rebeca Grynspan

The recent E-Trade event brought together stakeholders from across the globe to advocate for global cooperation in harnessing digitalisation. The event featured over 150 sessions, engaging 3,500 people from 159 countries. The stakeholders called for a holistic approach to digitalisation, emphasising the need for collaboration across geographies, policy areas, and stakeholder groups.

One of the key areas of concern highlighted by stakeholders was the digital and data divide. They stressed the importance of ensuring meaningful and affordable digital connectivity in all countries, including marginalised and rural communities. Access to skills and digital literacy were also identified as necessary for bridging these divides.

Another significant aspect discussed during the event was the need for a more level playing field for businesses in the digital economy. With a focus on developing countries, stakeholders emphasised the importance of enabling businesses of all sizes to create and capture value. They argued that this would promote economic growth and reduce inequalities.

Digital trade was also examined in the context of international trade. Stakeholders urged for the fulfilment of the commitment made in the Agenda 2030 to double the share of least developed countries (LDCs) in global exports. They saw digital trade as a means to harness opportunities and promote inclusive outcomes. Updated rules and policies were deemed necessary to adapt to the changing landscape of international trade due to digitalisation.

The potential of digitalisation to address pressing challenges, such as climate change and reducing inequalities, was a key theme throughout the event. Stakeholders stressed that digitalisation has a central role in tackling these global issues. Evidence supporting this claim included the engagement of over 3,500 people from 159 countries in discussions on shaping the future of the digital economy.

In the context of digitalisation, effective competition law and enforcement were identified as crucial. Stakeholders emphasised the need for global governance systems to ensure that the activities of digital platforms and the increasing reliance on data result in outcomes that benefit both people and the planet.

Overall, the E-Trade event highlighted the importance of global cooperation in harnessing digitalisation. The stakeholders’ arguments underscored the need to bridge the digital and data divides, create a level playing field for businesses in the digital economy, update international trade rules, and utilise digitalisation to address pressing challenges. Effective competition law and enforcement were seen as essential components in this context.


During the recent eWeek discussions, there were serious and mature conversations on digital issues that paralleled the intensity experienced during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Parminder, a speaker who has actively participated in digital issues discussions since WSIS, noted that the level of maturity and seriousness displayed in the eWeek discussions was reminiscent of the atmosphere during WSIS and subsequent years. This positive sentiment suggests that digital issues are being taken seriously, and important strides are being made in addressing them.

Moreover, the technology and logistics divisions received praise for their role in facilitating these discussions on the digital economy. Their efforts were acknowledged for their contribution to fostering an environment conducive to meaningful exchanges and progress. This positive feedback indicates the recognition of the significance of these divisions in driving digital development and innovation.

Highlighting Mongolia’s proactive involvement in digital issues, the country launched its e-trade readiness assessment during the eWeek. This assessment involved both domestic and international participation and utilized a hybrid approach, combining humanity and digital zoom meetings. This innovative approach aimed to expedite the assessment process and ensure its comprehensiveness and inclusivity.

Mongolia’s appreciation for the support received from the UNCTAD team was conveyed through a letter from the Foreign Minister. This gesture of gratitude acknowledges the invaluable assistance provided by the UNCTAD team and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing digital challenges and promoting sustainable development.

In conclusion, the recent eWeek discussions showcased the seriousness and maturity in addressing digital issues, reminiscent of the intensity observed during the WSIS. The role played by the technology and logistics divisions in facilitating these discussions was acknowledged and applauded. Mongolia’s active participation was evidenced by the launch of its e-trade readiness assessment, employing an innovative hybrid approach. Additionally, the country expressed gratitude to the UNCTAD team and expressed its intention to continue close cooperation, highlighting the significance of partnerships in addressing digital challenges. The overall sentiment surrounding these developments is positive, indicating progress and commitment to addressing digital issues and promoting sustainable growth.



Speech speed

172 words per minute

Speech length

428 words

Speech time

150 secs


In recent eWeek, there have been serious and mature discussions on digital issues similar to the intensity observed during WSIS

Supporting facts:

  • The speaker, Parminder, has been partaking in digital issues discussions since WSIS
  • The speaker observes that eWeek discussions have achieved a level of maturity and seriousness that he had only seen during WSIS and a few years later

Topics: Digital economy, World Summit on the Information Society, Data localization

Mongolia launched its e-trade readiness assessment

Supporting facts:

  • This assessment was done both domestically and internationally
  • Usage of hybrid approach using humanity and digital zoom meeting to fasten the assessment

Topics: Digital Economy, Digital Trade, UNCTAD e-Week, e-meeting

Mongolia acknowledges the help from UNCTAD team

Supporting facts:

  • Foreign minister sent her gratitude to everyone by letter

Topics: International cooperation, UNCTAD e-Week


During the recent eWeek discussions, there were serious and mature conversations on digital issues that paralleled the intensity experienced during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Parminder, a speaker who has actively participated in digital issues discussions since WSIS, noted that the level of maturity and seriousness displayed in the eWeek discussions was reminiscent of the atmosphere during WSIS and subsequent years.

This positive sentiment suggests that digital issues are being taken seriously, and important strides are being made in addressing them. Moreover, the technology and logistics divisions received praise for their role in facilitating these discussions on the digital economy. Their efforts were acknowledged for their contribution to fostering an environment conducive to meaningful exchanges and progress.

This positive feedback indicates the recognition of the significance of these divisions in driving digital development and innovation. Highlighting Mongolia’s proactive involvement in digital issues, the country launched its e-trade readiness assessment during the eWeek. This assessment involved both domestic and international participation and utilized a hybrid approach, combining humanity and digital zoom meetings.

This innovative approach aimed to expedite the assessment process and ensure its comprehensiveness and inclusivity. Mongolia’s appreciation for the support received from the UNCTAD team was conveyed through a letter from the Foreign Minister. This gesture of gratitude acknowledges the invaluable assistance provided by the UNCTAD team and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing digital challenges and promoting sustainable development.

In conclusion, the recent eWeek discussions showcased the seriousness and maturity in addressing digital issues, reminiscent of the intensity observed during the WSIS. The role played by the technology and logistics divisions in facilitating these discussions was acknowledged and applauded.

Mongolia’s active participation was evidenced by the launch of its e-trade readiness assessment, employing an innovative hybrid approach. Additionally, the country expressed gratitude to the UNCTAD team and expressed its intention to continue close cooperation, highlighting the significance of partnerships in addressing digital challenges.

The overall sentiment surrounding these developments is positive, indicating progress and commitment to addressing digital issues and promoting sustainable growth.


Damilola Olokesusi

Speech speed

187 words per minute

Speech length

490 words

Speech time

158 secs


Desire for equal representation of men and women in the digital economy

Supporting facts:

  • She represents e-trade for women advocates
  • Observing that women were notably absent in private and public conversations

Topics: Gender equality, Digital economy

Encourages proactive action for impacting people’s lives

Supporting facts:

  • Reflects on UNCTAD’s actions of involving women in conversations
  • Plans to engage with policy makers back home using data and technology

Topics: Social impact, Action, Empowerment


The speakers in the given statements express their positive outlook on the progress towards achieving gender equality in the digital economy. They emphasize the importance of ensuring equal representation of both men and women in this sector. The desire for inclusivity is highlighted, with a specific focus on addressing the notable absence of women in private and public conversations related to the digital economy.

The speakers advocate for proactive action to actively impact people’s lives and empower individuals. They reflect on the actions taken by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to involve women in discussions and decision-making processes. Furthermore, they mention plans to engage with policymakers back home by utilizing data and technology, suggesting a strategic approach to drive positive change.

Engaging women in the digital economy is seen as not only a matter of gender equality but also as a means to achieve overall economic prosperity. The speakers discuss the transformational impact of involving women in policy conversations, recognizing the potential for a ripple effect that will benefit both individuals and businesses alike.

This highlights the importance of promoting women’s empowerment within the digital economy. The analysis of the statements provides insight into the topics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are interrelated. Gender equality and the digital economy are closely linked, aligning with SDG 5 on Gender Equality and SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth.

The overall positive sentiment expressed by the speakers reflects optimism and excitement about the progress being made in these areas. In conclusion, there is a strong desire for equal representation of men and women in the digital economy, supported by a proactive approach to impacting people’s lives.

Engaging women in this sector is not only seen as a matter of fairness but also as a means to drive economic prosperity. The speakers demonstrate optimism about the progress towards achieving gender equality in the digital economy and highlight the importance of inclusive conversations and strategic actions.


Hajo Lanz

Speech speed

165 words per minute

Speech length

843 words

Speech time

306 secs


The world is still facing a digital divide

Supporting facts:

  • Most themes from digital trade workshop in 2013, including barriers to e-commerce use in SMEs, are still valid

Topics: digital gap, digital innovations, MSMEs and SMEs, big tech giants

Digitalization should become a tool to overcome inequalities

Supporting facts:

  • Digital age is moving fast and new innovations are constantly changing our professional and personal lives.

Topics: Equality, Development, Digitalization

Government officials in charge of digitalization must consider the views of society as a whole

Supporting facts:

  • Digitalization affects everyone. To address new opportunities and challenges of digital trade, there needs to be inclusive outcomes that advance human rights

Topics: Government, Digital Governance, stakeholder representation


The analysis presents four main points made by different speakers regarding digitalization and its impact on various aspects of society. The first point highlights that barriers to e-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are still valid, indicating that a digital divide still exists.

This suggests that while digital trade has seen advancements over the years, there are still challenges that prevent SMEs from fully embracing e-commerce. These barriers may include limited access to technology and digital infrastructure, lack of digital skills and literacy, and inadequate financial resources to invest in digital platforms.

The persistence of these barriers suggests that efforts to bridge the digital divide have not been entirely effective. The second point focuses on the potential of digitalization to overcome inequalities and promote development. It acknowledges that the digital age is constantly evolving, with new innovations shaping our personal and professional lives.

By harnessing the power of digital technologies, we can create opportunities for economic growth and social progress. Digitalization can improve access to education, healthcare, and financial services, which can help reduce inequalities and foster inclusive development. The argument here is that the transformative potential of digitalization should be maximized to create a more equitable and prosperous society.

However, the third point raises concerns about the current approach to digital issues in negotiations. It argues that development should be a core element in negotiations on digital matters. The existing plurilateral negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) are criticized for not adequately focusing on development.

This implies that the discussions and agreements surrounding digital trade may not sufficiently address the needs and priorities of developing countries. The argument is that negotiations should place a greater emphasis on finding solutions that promote development and ensure that all countries benefit from the opportunities presented by digitalization.

The fourth point emphasizes the importance of inclusive outcomes in government decision-making regarding digitalization. It recognizes that digitalization affects everyone and calls for government officials in charge of digital governance to consider the views of society as a whole. In particular, they should ensure that the outcomes of digitalization policies advance human rights and protect the interests of all stakeholders.

This highlights the need for stakeholder representation and participatory approaches in shaping digital governance frameworks. In conclusion, the analysis reveals that there is still a digital divide, with barriers to e-commerce in SMEs persisting. However, digitalization has the potential to overcome inequalities and drive development, provided that development considerations are adequately integrated into digital negotiations.

Additionally, inclusive outcomes that advance human rights should be sought in government decision-making on digitalization. These insights emphasize the importance of addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalization in a way that benefits all members of society.


Jovan Kurbalija

Speech speed

163 words per minute

Speech length

1189 words

Speech time

437 secs


AI was used to transcribe and analyze all sessions during E-week

Supporting facts:

  • Transcriptions were analyzed by a model created prior to the event, detailing the arguments and facts from the discussion

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Innovation

AI must be transparent, accountable, and open

Supporting facts:

  • AI Systems can provide highly detailed analyses, which makes it essential they are open source and with full traceability
  • The AI system used was designed to be transparent, accountable, and open and to have data provided only with the consent of people

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Transparency

AI can change the way we have discussions

Supporting facts:

  • The system analyzed a total of 6,280 arguments made during E-week

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Communication


During E-week, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was used to transcribe and analyze all sessions, resulting in a total of 6,280 arguments being examined. This implementation of AI showcased its ability to efficiently and accurately process large volumes of data. One notable aspect of the AI system used was its commitment to transparency, accountability, and openness.

Recognising the importance of trust and reliability, the system was designed to be transparent, ensuring that data was provided only with the explicit consent of individuals involved. This emphasis on transparency resonated with participants, bolstering their confidence in AI technology and its outcomes.

In addition, the use of AI in transcribing and analyzing sessions presented an interesting observation regarding its potential impact on discussions. It revealed that AI has the capacity to revolutionize the way we engage in conversations. By providing detailed analyses of arguments and facts, AI systems can facilitate more informed and nuanced discussions, fostering a productive exchange of ideas and perspectives.

This discovery highlighted the transformative potential of AI in shaping the future of discourse. The consensus reached during E-week was that AI technology should be utilized for the betterment of humanity. Participants acknowledged that while technology, including AI, is an unstoppable force, it must be wielded in a manner that serves humanity’s well-being and interests.

This sentiment aligns with the broader goal of leveraging technology to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9, which emphasizes using technology for inclusive and sustainable development. In conclusion, the use of AI during E-week to transcribe and analyze sessions demonstrated its capabilities in efficiently processing large amounts of data.

The emphasis on transparency and accountability further highlighted the importance of these traits in building trust and reliability in AI systems. Notably, the potential of AI to transform and enhance discussions was recognized, emphasizing the need for further exploration in this area.

Ultimately, the prevailing belief was that AI technology should be applied to benefit humanity, in line with the goal of leveraging technology for sustainable and inclusive development.


Rebeca Grynspan

Speech speed

127 words per minute

Speech length

1810 words

Speech time

852 secs


A strong call from all stakeholders was made for the world to come together across geographies, policy areas, and stakeholder groups to achieve a holistic approach to harnessing digitalization

Supporting facts:

  • Over 150 sessions were organized by E-Trade for all partners, member states, the private sector, and civil society, 3,500 people from 159 countries.

Topics: Digitalization, Global Cooperation

The digital and data divides need to be breached

Supporting facts:

  • Meaningful and affordable digital connectivity in all countries, including for marginalized and rural communities, as well as access to skills and digital literacy is necessary.

Topics: Digital Divide, Data Divide, Digital Literacy

We need to create a more level playing field for companies to compete in the digital economy

Supporting facts:

  • Businesses of all sizes in developing countries should be able to create and capture value.

Topics: Digital Economy, Competition Law

International trade is changing due to digitalization and rules are needed to promote inclusive outcomes

Supporting facts:

  • We should live up to the commitment we made in the Agenda 2030 to double the share of LDCs in global exports, especially by harnessing opportunities from digital trade.

Topics: International trade, Digital Trade, Inclusion


The recent E-Trade event brought together stakeholders from across the globe to advocate for global cooperation in harnessing digitalisation. The event featured over 150 sessions, engaging 3,500 people from 159 countries. The stakeholders called for a holistic approach to digitalisation, emphasising the need for collaboration across geographies, policy areas, and stakeholder groups.

One of the key areas of concern highlighted by stakeholders was the digital and data divide. They stressed the importance of ensuring meaningful and affordable digital connectivity in all countries, including marginalised and rural communities. Access to skills and digital literacy were also identified as necessary for bridging these divides.

Another significant aspect discussed during the event was the need for a more level playing field for businesses in the digital economy. With a focus on developing countries, stakeholders emphasised the importance of enabling businesses of all sizes to create and capture value.

They argued that this would promote economic growth and reduce inequalities. Digital trade was also examined in the context of international trade. Stakeholders urged for the fulfilment of the commitment made in the Agenda 2030 to double the share of least developed countries (LDCs) in global exports.

They saw digital trade as a means to harness opportunities and promote inclusive outcomes. Updated rules and policies were deemed necessary to adapt to the changing landscape of international trade due to digitalisation. The potential of digitalisation to address pressing challenges, such as climate change and reducing inequalities, was a key theme throughout the event.

Stakeholders stressed that digitalisation has a central role in tackling these global issues. Evidence supporting this claim included the engagement of over 3,500 people from 159 countries in discussions on shaping the future of the digital economy. In the context of digitalisation, effective competition law and enforcement were identified as crucial.

Stakeholders emphasised the need for global governance systems to ensure that the activities of digital platforms and the increasing reliance on data result in outcomes that benefit both people and the planet. Overall, the E-Trade event highlighted the importance of global cooperation in harnessing digitalisation.

The stakeholders’ arguments underscored the need to bridge the digital and data divides, create a level playing field for businesses in the digital economy, update international trade rules, and utilise digitalisation to address pressing challenges. Effective competition law and enforcement were seen as essential components in this context.


Shamika N. Sirimanne

Speech speed

145 words per minute

Speech length

890 words

Speech time

368 secs


Shamika N. Sirimanne acknowledges the contributions of her colleagues Sabrina and Nathalie to the successful conclusion of the 2023 edition of the E-Week

Supporting facts:

  • Sabrina and Nathalie were instrumental in the organization and execution of the event

Topics: E-Week 2023, collaboration, teamwork

Shamika points out the collaborations with various international organizations, specifically E-Trade for All partners

Topics: E-Trade for All, international collaborations


Shamika N. Sirimanne expresses her gratitude and recognition towards her colleagues Sabrina and Nathalie in a positive sentiment statement. The reason for this appreciation is their significant contributions to the organization and successful execution of the 2023 edition of E-Week, a collaboration and teamwork event.

While specific details regarding their contributions are not mentioned, it can be inferred that Sabrina and Nathalie played an instrumental role in the planning, coordination, and implementation of E-Week activities. Shamika also highlights the importance of collaborations with international organizations, particularly mentioning partnerships developed through E-Trade for All.

These collaborations reflect Shamika’s acknowledgement and commitment to SDG 17: Partnerships for The Goals. By actively engaging with various international entities and fostering cooperation, Shamika and her team are working towards achieving sustainable development goals. Although the absence of supporting facts limits further elaboration on the specific nature and outcomes of these partnerships, it can be inferred that the collaborations have been fruitful and have positively contributed to the goals of E-Week and the broader objectives of sustainable development.

In conclusion, Shamika N. Sirimanne’s statement serves as a recognition and appreciation of the invaluable contributions made by Sabrina and Nathalie to the successful organization and execution of the 2023 edition of E-Week, a collaboration and teamwork event. Additionally, Shamika emphasizes the significance of collaborations with international organizations, particularly highlighting partnerships established through E-Trade for All.

These partnerships align with SDG 17 and showcase Shamika’s commitment to fostering global cooperation to achieve sustainable development goals. Though more specific details and evidence would further enrich the summary, the overall message highlights the importance of teamwork and international collaboration in attaining successful outcomes.