Regional cooperation for safer online consumer markets (UNCTAD)

4 Dec 2023 13:00h - 14:00h UTC

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Full session report

Arnau Izaguerri

Arnau Izaguerri, a legal officer at the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), is playing a pivotal role in moderating the Roundtable on Regional Cooperation for Safer Online Consumer Markets. This event aims to address the pressing issues related to trust in Cross-Border E-Commerce and explore ways to overcome technological challenges in this rapidly evolving sector.

Izaguerri emphasises the importance of discussing trust in Cross-Border E-Commerce, recognising that it is a crucial factor in fostering a safe and reliable online consumer market. Despite facing connection issues with one of the speakers, Dr. Mwemba, Izaguerri demonstrates his resilience and suggests proceeding with the session in the hope that Dr. Mwemba would be able to join later. This positive and proactive attitude of Izaguerri highlights his determination to facilitate meaningful discussions on these critical topics.

Moreover, Izaguerri is committed to supporting the creation of regional cooperation on online consumer product safety. This cooperative approach is seen as a catalyst for international cooperation in matters of product safety, primarily highlighting the positive aspects of product safety at the national level and the potential benefits of sharing these at the regional level. Izaguerri’s readiness to support regional cooperation showcases his dedication to promoting safe and secure online consumer markets.

Additionally, Izaguerri stresses the necessity of a solid legal framework, not only at the national level but also at the regional level. Understanding that a robust legal framework is essential for effective consumer protection, Izaguerri emphasises the need for cooperation and collaboration among authorities and stakeholders to ensure comprehensive oversight and enforcement.

The importance of harnessing technology is also highlighted by Izaguerri as a significant factor in ensuring product safety. Mention is made of the e-surveillance crawler at the European Commission, which demonstrates the potential of technology in monitoring and enforcing product safety standards. This acknowledgment reflects Izaguerri’s understanding of the importance of incorporating technological advancements to enhance consumer protection.

Furthermore, commitment from all authorities is essential for the effectiveness of product safety frameworks. Izaguerri refers to the speakers’ comments, where they express their commitment to these frameworks, underscoring the significance of collective dedication to ensuring consumer safety.

Izaguerri recognises the value of networking and cooperation, stating the importance of networking both at the regional level and inter-regional level. This includes mentioning proposals such as the African Forum and the European-Chinese agreements, which seek to enhance collaboration and coordination in addressing product safety challenges across borders.

In a gesture of support, Izaguerri also encourages everyone to participate in UNCTAD’s informal working group on consumer product safety. He highlights the group’s plans, which involve holding webinars, developing common tools, guidelines, and recommendations. These initiatives aim to promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders to enhance consumer protection.

Overall, Arnau Izaguerri’s active involvement in moderating the Roundtable on Regional Cooperation for Safer Online Consumer Markets highlights his dedication and commitment to improving consumer protection in the rapidly growing realm of e-commerce. His emphasis on trust, regional cooperation, legal frameworks, technology, commitment, and networking showcases the multifaceted approach required to create safer online consumer markets. By urging stakeholders to come together and fostering collaboration, Izaguerri aims to lay a strong foundation for effective consumer protection measures in the digital age.

Teresa Moreira

Concerns are growing regarding the safety of products sold online and the lack of information available for cross-border products and services. A significant 27% of the global population aged 15 years and older engage in online shopping, highlighting the urgency of addressing these concerns.

International cooperation is deemed essential in enhancing consumer safety while minimizing trade barriers. By implementing appropriate policies that promote both trade and safe consumer products, consumer confidence can be boosted, ultimately leading to more favorable conditions for sustainable economic development. This highlights the recognition that consumer protection and trade facilitation are interconnected goals.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has taken notable action in response to these concerns. It has adopted its first recommendation on product safety titled “Recommendation on Preventing Cross-Border Distribution of Known Unsafe Consumer Products.” This recommendation emphasizes the need for increased data exchange and awareness-raising initiatives. Such efforts aim to enhance the identification and prevention of unsafe consumer products, particularly those distributed across national borders.

Regional initiatives also play a vital role in improving online consumer market safety. Regional trade agreements worldwide are increasingly considering cooperation in consumer protection. In-depth research conducted by UNCTAD in 2020 identified specific initiatives in various continents, including Africa, the Americas, Southeast Asia, and Europe. This highlights the concerted efforts being made at a regional level to address the challenges associated with unsafe products and the lack of information surrounding cross-border products and services.

In conclusion, the rise of online shopping brings concerns about the safety of products and the lack of information available for products sold across borders. International cooperation is necessary to ensure consumer safety while minimizing barriers to trade, with appropriate policies promoting both trade and safe consumer products. Regional initiatives also have a significant role in improving consumer market safety online. By addressing these concerns through collaboration and strategic initiatives, global commerce can thrive while ensuring the well-being and protection of consumers.

Khalid Al-Siyabi

Oman is implementing strict regulations to ensure consumer protection in online markets, with Resolution Numbers 1 of 2022 from the Consumer Protection Authority including provisions for electronic commerce. These regulations require sellers, advertisers, and agents to adhere to clear and specific procedures, such as obtaining approvals from consent authorities, displaying items in their true form, and establishing clear policies for exchanges and returns. The Ministry of Commerce, Industrial and Investment Promotion has also issued regulations for electronic commerce, including requirements for licensing and accurate data display.

International cooperation plays a crucial role in maintaining safe online markets. The regulations in Oman apply to suppliers, advertisers, and agents both within and outside of the country, indicating an international scope. Oman is taking a step towards global standardization by establishing an electronic website to authenticate electronic stores and monitor compliance.

Notably, GCC countries are collaborating and sharing experiences and strategies to control the e-market. This regional cooperation allows for the sharing of problems and solutions related to consumer complaints. By coming together and discussing these issues, countries can work towards designing effective control mechanisms to protect consumers from fraud and ensure their safety.

The necessity for increased inter-regional cooperation and communication is emphasized, as e-commerce is international and cannot be controlled without cooperation. It is believed that by joining forces and sharing information, better solutions can be found for the challenges posed by e-commerce.

Lastly, the speakers in this discussion support increased information sharing and collaboration among international organizations and authorities. They believe that coming together and discussing problems and solutions at the same table is crucial in creating a safe e-market for consumers. Overall, the consensus is that strict regulations, inter-regional cooperation and communication, and the creation of a safe e-market are essential for consumer protection in online markets.

In conclusion, Oman is taking proactive measures to safeguard consumers in online markets through strict regulations and inter-regional cooperation. The emphasis on international cooperation, information sharing, and collaboration among organizations and authorities highlights the recognition of the global nature of e-commerce and the need for collective efforts to address its challenges. By implementing these measures, Oman aims to create a safer and more secure environment for consumers in the online marketplace.

Isabelle Pérignon

The European Union has taken significant steps to protect consumers from dangerous products sold online. Two key initiatives in this regard are the Digital Services Act and the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). The Digital Services Act, which came into force last year, applies common rules to all digital companies offering their services in the EU. This ensures that consumers are protected regardless of the platform they use to purchase products.

The GPSR is set to replace the current General Product Safety Directive by mid-December next year. Under the GPSR, all products placed on the market must be safe, and there must be a responsible person that can be contacted in case of safety concerns. This regulation aims to ensure that consumers can have confidence in the safety of the products they purchase online.

The Commission views it as crucial for businesses to go beyond legal obligations in enhancing consumer safety. In line with this, the Commission has been facilitating the Product Safety Pledge since 2018, which encourages businesses to go above and beyond legal obligations for consumer safety. The pledge has garnered 11 signatories, and in March this year, they agreed to a more ambitious cooperation under the Product Safety Pledge Plus. This initiative emphasizes the commitment of businesses to prioritize consumer safety and improve product standards.

Enforcement is crucial in keeping consumers safe, which is why the GPSR provides new powers to authorities to perform online market surveillance. The GPSR gives authorities the ability to effectively monitor digital markets and detect unsafe products. To support this, the European Commission has developed the e-surveillance web crawler, a tool that helps identify potentially hazardous products.

To swiftly detect and remove harmful products from the market, the EU has established the safety gate system. This regional rapid alert system allows countries to exchange information and take coordinated actions to protect consumers. When unsafe products are identified, alerts are published on the safety gate portal, making them readily accessible to businesses and consumers. The system has been highly appreciated by partner countries, as it enhances consumer safety and strengthens regional cooperation.

Coordinated actions among different countries can improve regional cooperation on product safety. The European Commission supports “Coordinated Activities on the Safety of Products” (CASP), where authorities responsible for market surveillance collaborate. These activities focus on testing products and exchanging best practices. Last year, 431 products were tested through these coordinated activities, highlighting the effectiveness of collaborative efforts in ensuring product safety.

An active communication strategy about coordination activities and their results is crucial for transparency. By promoting transparency in product safety, businesses and consumers are kept informed about the progress made in addressing safety concerns. This approach fosters trust and confidence in the market, further enhancing consumer protection.

Regional cooperation plays a vital role in tackling product safety issues. By fostering cooperation and exchanging information between authorities in different countries, the EU can effectively address safety issues and improve product standards. Isabelle Pérignon, an advocate for regional cooperation, is available to develop contacts and encourage cooperation between authorities in the region. Her expertise and connections can facilitate successful regional initiatives for better consumer protection.

In conclusion, the European Union has made significant advancements in protecting consumers from dangerous products sold online. Through the Digital Services Act and the General Product Safety Regulation, common rules are applied to digital companies, ensuring consumer protection across platforms. Enhancing consumer safety beyond legal obligations is encouraged through initiatives like the Product Safety Pledge. Coordinated actions, enforcement, and regional cooperation contribute to effective market surveillance and product safety. Transparent communication and cooperation among authorities further enhance consumer protection and build trust in the market.

Willard Mwemba

Review and Edit: Checking for grammatical errors, sentence formation issues, typos, or missing details. Correcting those errors. Checking if UK spelling and grammar is used in text and correcting it where necessary. The expanded summary should be as accurately reflective of the main analysis text as possible. Trying to include as many long-tail keywords in the summary as possible, without losing the quality of the summary.

The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) has taken significant measures to enhance consumer protection and address online safety issues. One of their key initiatives is the establishment of a network and the formation of a Consumer Protection Committee, which aims to promote cooperation among member states and ensure a quick response to online safety infringements. This network, involving 21 member states, has proven effective in facilitating prompt information sharing and swift action on infringements. In fact, Comesa is currently investigating a Zambian company based on information gathered from this forum.

Recognising the increasing digitisation of commerce, Comesa is also adapting by setting up a rapid alert system and updating their regulations. The web-based rapid alert system will play a vital role in disseminating information about unsafe products, thus protecting consumers from potential harm. To keep pace with current issues, amendments are being made to the Competition Commission regulations. These amendments are inspired by guidelines from international bodies such as the OECD, EU platforms, FCC, and UN, ensuring that Comesa remains aligned with global best practices.

Comesa strongly believes that regardless of whether consumers are shopping online or in person, they should receive the same safety and health warnings. In order to achieve this, the commission is working towards developing e-commerce guidelines. These guidelines will not only ensure that consumers receive mandatory safety warnings but also aim to guide the interaction between consumers and sellers on online platforms. By establishing such guidelines, Comesa aims to create a safer and more transparent online shopping experience for consumers.

In the context of regional cooperation on online consumer product safety, Comesa emphasises the importance of clear objectives in the design framework. These clear objectives will provide a systematic and coherent approach for cross-border cooperation, considering that issues with e-commerce often transcend borders. Furthermore, the commitment of all parties involved is crucial for achieving the set objectives. By making it clear that they are willing to work together, all parties can contribute effectively to creating a safer online environment for consumers.

Enforcement plays a vital role in ensuring the effectiveness of regional cooperation. Comesa recognises that serious enforcement strategies are required to prevent repeat offenders and to deter potential offenders. By implementing and strengthening enforcement measures, Comesa aims to create a stronger deterrent against online safety infringements.

Comesa also values interactions and meetings as important platforms for knowledge sharing and learning. They are supportive of ongoing meetings, which stimulate further interactions in localised areas and foster collaboration among various regional economic communities. Through such interactions, Comesa and other regional entities can acquire new insights and perspectives to address common concerns and issues collaboratively.

As part of their advocacy efforts, Comesa promotes the development of a uniform curriculum to address consumer protection issues systematically. The Comesa Consumer Protection Committee is actively discussing the creation of such a curriculum, which will help ensure that consumer protection issues are adequately addressed across member states. A uniform curriculum will also promote consistency in consumer protection practices.

Observing the progress made in various regions, it becomes evident that individual regions are addressing issues and concerns within their respective sectors. However, to effectively tackle common challenges, there need to be inter-regional cooperation. Comesa acknowledges that there is much to learn from each other and that inter-regional cooperation can only strengthen efforts towards creating a safer and more secure consumer environment.

In conclusion, Comesa has taken a comprehensive array of measures to enhance consumer protection and address online safety issues. These measures include the establishment of a network and the formation of a Consumer Protection Committee, adapting to digitisation through a rapid alert system and updated regulations, developing e-commerce guidelines, emphasising clear objectives and commitment from all parties involved, strengthening enforcement strategies, supporting interactions and meetings, advocating for a uniform curriculum, and recognising the need for inter-regional cooperation. By actively engaging in these initiatives, Comesa aims to create a safer and more secure consumer environment and promote responsible consumption and production, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Arnau Izaguerri

Speech speed

161 words per minute

Speech length

1851 words

Speech time

691 secs


Isabelle Pérignon

Speech speed

130 words per minute

Speech length

1455 words

Speech time

671 secs


Khalid Al-Siyabi

Speech speed

108 words per minute

Speech length

1071 words

Speech time

594 secs


Teresa Moreira

Speech speed

134 words per minute

Speech length

610 words

Speech time

273 secs


Willard Mwemba

Speech speed

162 words per minute

Speech length

2044 words

Speech time

759 secs