Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation: Open Consultation

30 Sep 2016 - 7 Dec 2016


The Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation on Public Policy Issues Pertnaining to the Internet (WGEC) is inviting stakeholders to submit contributions on two questions that would guide the second meeting of the Group, scheduled to take place on 26-27 January 2017:

  • What are the high level characteristics of enhanced cooperation?
  • Taking into consideration the work of the previous WGEC and the Tunis Agenda, particularly paragraphs 69-71, what kind of recommendations should we consider?

WGEC was established on the basis of the United Nations General Assembly resolution A/70/125 (December 2015), with the aim to develop recommendation of how to further implement enhanced cooperation as envisioned in the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, taking into consideration the work that has been done on this matter.

To contribute to this consultation, visit WGEC’s webpage.
