World Wide Web Conference 2017
The 26th International World Wide Web Conference will be held on 3–7 April 2017, in Perth, Australia.
The International World Wide Web Conference is an annual forum bringing together some of the most influential members of the web community, and it is oversee by the World Wide Web Conferences Committee. The 2017 conference will include a three-day technical programme, two days of workshops and tutorials, a poster display and hands-on developer day, plus broad alternate tracks, keynote speeches and invited talks, seminars and panel discussions.
The event will feature four streams of discussions around the evolution of the web, technical standards, the impact of web on society, and its future. Connecting these streams will be themes of e-learning, remote services, security and privacy. Some of the specific issues to be tackled during the discussions include e-health and e-learning, entrepreneurship and startups, online games and remote operations, big data and the Internet of everything, e-government and web governance, digital culture and maintaining cultural assets, and semantics of the web.
The International World Wide Web Conference 2017 will be held in the context of the Festival of the Web, an eight-day event which included co-located conferences, workshops, talks, and exhibitions, and brings together entrepreneurs, academia, industry, government, and the broader civil society community.