Montenegro’s digital infrastructure hit by an unprecedented cyberattack
Montenegro’s government digital infrastructure has been hit by an unprecedented cyberattack. The hacker’s origin is still not officially known, but it has caused concern among NATO members. This is not the first time a cyberattack of this range has happened in Montenegro, but it is considered persistent and ongoing according to the US Embassy in Podgorica.
Montenegro’s government digital infrastructure has been hit by an ‘unprecedented’ cyberattack, and swift measures have been taken to minimise the impact, officials said on Friday. ‘A persistent and ongoing cyber-attack is in process in Montenegro’, the US Embassy in Podgorica announced on its website.
‘Certain services were switched off temporarily for security reasons but the security of accounts belonging to citizens and companies and their data have not been jeopardised’, said Minister of Public Administration Maras Dukaj on Twitter.
According to Reuters, in 2016, cybercriminals also targeted Montenegro’s state digital infrastructure on election day, and again several months later in 2017, as this small Balkan state prepared to join NATO.
The Western military alliance is aware of reports of cyberattacks in Montenegro and is prepared to assist its authorities if needed, according to an unidentified NATO official quoted by Voice of America.