BIR Dubai 2022 – E-Scrap Committee: Basel Convention up for revision?
Basel Convention’s Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedures potentially face revisions upon the addition of e-waste to its proceedings.
The latest Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) convention in Dubai, held in October, called for a review of the Basel Convention, its effectiveness and future direction.
Back in 2021, the Convention introduced notification and certification systems for country-to-country plastic shipments. This addition of plastic to the Basel Convention’s Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedures has urged the BIR’s E-Scrap Committee to apply a similar scheme to e-waste, which should be effective from 2025.
Different points of view were offered, one being that lists of electronic products that are considered waste, should undergo further discussion. In addition, it is suggested that Basel Convention should implement stricter inspection and recording of the disposal to avoid accidents.