[Briefing #31] Internet governance in January 2017

Geneva, Switzerland; local hubs; and online

[Update] Download our latest resources: The recording and digest of January’s briefing | IG Barometer for January | Issue 17 of the Geneva Digital Watch newsletter | Top Digital Policy Developments in 2016: A Year in Review, which sums up the digital policy developments for 2016 | Dr Jovan Kurbalija’s forecast for 2017, Digital Politics in 2017: Unsettled Weather, Stormy at Times, with Sunny Spells, which analyses the general backdrop for digital policy in 2017, and makes predictions on the ten main digital policy developments for 2017. Join us again for the next briefing, on 28 February 2017. Registrations are now open.

What were the main Internet governance updates in January, and how will they shape future developments? What can we expect in February? Join us for our next monthly briefing, on Tuesday, 31th January. While we look at the main Internet governance updates in January, and how they will shape future developments, we will also discuss last year’s updates and the forecast for 2017. How will last year‘s updates influence the developments in upcoming months? What are the main predictions for the coming year?

You receive hundreds of pieces of information on digital politics.
We receive them, too.
We decode, contextualise, and analyse them.
Then we summarise them for you.

Every last Tuesday of the month, the Internet governance briefings provide a ‘zoomed-out’ update of the major global IG and digital policy developments. They are delivered live from Geneva (WMO Building, 2nd floor, 7 bis Avenue de la Paix), and broadcast online.

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Regional perspectives

Local hubs in Indonesia, Brazil, Tunis and South Eastern Europe will share their regional perspectives:

  • The South Eastern European hub is organised in collaboration with the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG), and will be hosted at Diplo Centar, Branicevska 12a/12, Belgrade, Serbia.
    • A summary of January developments and activities related to Internet governance and digital policy in South Eastern Europe is available. The recording of the South Eastern Europe hub meeting is also available.
  • The Tunis hub organised by Hivos iGmena, will be hosted Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) at the 404 Lab 13 Jugurtha Street, Mutuelle Ville, Tunis. A video of regional updates and perspectives from iGmena are now available.
  • Rio de Janeiro hub will be hosted by Center for Technology and Society of the Getulio Vargas Foundation. Registrations closed.
    • A video of regional updates and perspectives from Brazil are now available.

The monthly Internet governance briefings are organised by the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP), a Swiss initiative run by DiploFoundation. Learn more about our monthly briefings and local hubs. To keep up-to-date with GIP events, subscribe to our mailing list. More information at gip@diplomacy.edu


Event video