12th Internet Governance Forum

18 Dec 2017 - 21 Dec 2017

Geneva, Switzerland

Session reports

13:00 - 18:00 Youth for rights
11:45 - 13:15 Out of my hands?

Event report

The 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum took place on 18-21 December 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, with the overarching theme ‘Shaping your digital future’. As in previous years, the GIP reported from most workshops, and published IGF Daily newsletters on each day of the IGF, a final report, data analysis, illustrations, and other content, in addition to a full programme of activities, including the Art@IGF exhibition.

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The 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is taking place on 18-21 December 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, under the overarching theme ‘Shaping your digital future’.

As in previous years, the IGF meeting will include a large number of workshops, open forums, dynamic coalition meetings, and other events that will give participants the opportunity to engage in open discussions on various Internet governance issues. Several main sessions will also be part of the programme, on topics that will be decided by the Multistakeholder Advisory Group, in consultation with the broader IGF community. The outputs of the IGF 2017 intersessional activities will also be discussed at the meeting. In addition, national and regional IGF initiatives will share experiences and discuss about their specificities, challenges, and plans for the future.

In December 2015, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the remarkable progress of the Internet and information and communication technologies at the overall review of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10). As part of the outcome of WSIS+10, the General Assembly acknowledged the role of the IGF as a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance issues and decided to extend for another 10 years the existing mandate of the IGF. IGF work moving forward will also support the global effort to achieve the SDGs, many of which relate in one way or another to the Internet and information and communication technologies.

More information on the IGF 2017 meeting is made available on the IGF Secretariat website and on the host country website.

The 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is taking place on 18-21 December 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, with the overarching theme ‘Shaping your digital future’. As in previous years, the IGF meeting will include a large number of workshops, open forums, dynamic coalition meetings, and other events that will give participants the opportunity to engage in open discussions on various Internet governance issues. We will be reporting from most workshops; session reports will be available further down on this page. IGF Daily newsletters, a final report, data analysis, illustrations, and other content will be available on this page. View also our full programme of activities.


On this page: IGF Dailies and Final Report | Session Reports | Art@IGF | Illustrations | Follow the issues | About the IGF


IGF Dailies and Final Report


IGF Report, published on Wednesday, 10th January, 2018

IGFDaily1 1

IGF Daily 1, published on Monday, 18th December, 2017


IGF Daily 2, published on Tuesday, 19th December, 2017


IGF Daily 3, published on Wednesday, 20th December, 2017


IGF Daily 4, published on Thursday, 21th December, 2017

