AI cybersecurity in devices deemed high-risk by European Commission

The European Commission’s AI Act will classify AI-based cybersecurity and emergency services in connected devices as high-risk, requiring extensive testing and security measures, significantly impacting various sectors like medical devices and aviation.

Person, Security, EU, sybersecurity, high-risk components

AI-based cybersecurity and emergency services components in internet-connected devices are expected to be classified as high-risk under the AI Act, according to a European Commission document seen by Euractiv. The document, which interprets the relationship between the 2014 Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and the AI Act, marks the first known instance of how AI-based safety components will be treated under the new regulations. The RED pertains to wireless devices, including those using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, beyond traditional radios.

Under the AI Act, high-risk AI systems will be subject to extensive testing, risk management, security measures, and documentation. The Act includes a list of use cases where AI deployment is automatically considered high-risk, such as in critical infrastructure and law enforcement. It also sets criteria for categorising other high-risk products, requiring third-party conformity assessments in line with sector-specific regulations. AI cybersecurity and emergency services components meet these criteria under the RED, thus being classified as high-risk.

Even in cases where the RED allows for self-assessment compliance with harmonised standards, these AI-based components are still deemed high-risk. The AI Act references numerous sectoral regulations that could classify AI products as high-risk, extending beyond electronics to medical devices, aviation, heavy machinery, and personal watercraft. The preliminary interpretation suggests that self-assessment standards are insufficient to remove the high-risk classification from AI products in these industries.

The AI Act imposes significant requirements on high-risk AI systems, while those not in this category face only minor transparency obligations. The Commission’s document is a preliminary interpretation, and the full application of the AI Act, which spans over 500 pages, remains to be seen. Despite initial estimates that 5-15% of AI systems would be classified as high-risk, a 2022 survey of EU-based startups indicated that 33-50% of these startups consider their products high-risk. Further interpretive work is needed to understand how the AI Act will impact various sectors.

Why does it matter?

The abovementioned proceedings highlight the European Commission’s stringent approach to regulating AI-based cybersecurity and emergency services in internet-connected devices. By classifying these components as high-risk, the AI Act mandates rigorous testing, security measures, and documentation, ensuring robust safety standards. This move underscores the EU’s commitment to protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data and signals significant regulatory implications for various industries, potentially influencing global standards and practices in AI technology.