EU to establish European Cybersecurity Agency
The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his annual speech on the State of the European Union at the European Parliament on September 13th. Outlining particularly important priorities for the year ahead, Mr Juncker underlined that the EU needs to better protect Europeans in the digital age. According to Mr Juncker, Europe is still not well equipped when it comes to cyber-attacks, and cyber-attacks can be very dangerous to the stability of democracies and economies, know no borders and no one is immune to them. The Commission has proposed establishing a European Cybersecurity Agency, aiming to help defend the EU against cyber-attacks. According to the EU Observer, the existing EU cyber agency ENISA will thereby extend its mandate, boost its staff and budget, to be able to give operational assistance to EU states – including conducting cyber drills and creating protocols for cyber-crisis management – besides current work on policy recommendations. Details are available in the Commission proposal.