Amazon will allow third-party sellers better access to data after EU antitrust deal
Amazon reached a deal with the EU to grant third-party sellers more data access, potentially settling antitrust probes. The agreement could spare Amazon from fines up to 10% of its revenue. EU regulators are discussing details with Amazon’s rivals for feedback before finalizing the deal.
In an effort to close anti-trust probes launched by the European Commission against itself, Amazon claimed in a deal that it will allow third-party sellers on its marketplaces to access more data in exchange for the antitrust regulators dropping their cases. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) has just been adopted in the European Parliament on the 5th of July, now awaiting the adoption of the European Council. A deal means that Amazon will avoid a hefty fine of up to 10% of its global revenue. Financial Times reported that the details of such a deal are shared with Amazon’s rivals now to see if they would drop their competition concerns. Regulators are also set to announce a market test before the deal is formally sealed.
Source: Financial Times