Belgium approves biometrics for EU entry/exit system (EES)
Belgium’s Federal Council of Ministers has approved a new biometric migrant database, allowing all EU member states access. This system aids in sharing information on migrant entries and exits. Biometric data can be stored for up to 90 days to help Belgian immigration officials verify non-nationals within their jurisdiction, as part of the EU Entry/Exit system.
Belgium’s Federal Council of Ministers has approved establishment of a new biometric migrant database to be accessible by all EU member states. This is part of an EU wide system for information sharing on entry and exit of migrants into the area. Under the EU entry/Exit system EES, EU states have been piloting biometric border control systems.
Belgium’s system will have the capacity to store a migrant’s biometric data for up to 90 days, enabling immigration officials in Belgium to determine validity of a non-EU national in their jurisdiction.