Joint cyber-consultations of Nordic and Baltic states and the USA
The third annual High-level Cybersecurity Roundtable held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 13-14 September gathered the governments of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United States. The country’s delegates confirmed that cybersecurity, the application of the international law and norms in cyberspace, and Internet governance are high on their list of priorities. They agreed that states bear the responsibility to promote cybersecurity and human rights online, and affirmed that no state should conduct or knowingly support industrial cyber-espionage. All the states endorsed the work of the UN GGE and the 2013 and 2015 reports, reaffirmed the role of the Freedom Online coalition in promoting the human rights online, and reiterated their support to the Internet Governance Forum as a primary multistakeholder forum for dialogue on Internet public policy issues.