Lack of competition in broadband markets keeping millions offline – 2019 Affordability Report
According to the 2019 Affordability Report research published by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), a Web Foundation initiative, there exists consolidated broadband markets (those with a single broadband provider) that are keeping prices high. The result is that Internet access is put out of reach for many people who cannot take advantage of this important resource to transform their lives.
Communicating the findings in a press release, A4AI noted that although historically broadband markets have been competitive contributing to lowering cost of data, the report “suggests that this trend is now stalling, with some countries backsliding and markets becoming more consolidated”.
Particularly, the report finds that people living with consolidated broadband markets pay USD $3.42 more per GB of mobile data than those in similar countries with competitive markets. The premium keeps many people in low-income countries offline since they find it unaffordable.