Mobile money enabled cash assistance: User journeys in Burundi
GSMA published a report entitled ‘Mobile money enabled cash assistance: User journeys in Burundi’ which looks at recipient experiences of receiving cash and voucher assistance (CVA) via mobile using a human-centred design approach to examine the user journeys of Burundi’s cash recipients at different programme stages. The report aims at supporting humanitarian organisations and mobile money providers as they optimise cash programming, enhance user experience, and unlock the wide-ranging benefits of digital and financial inclusion. To this aim, the report pinpoints actions for humanitarian organisations:
- When considering mobile money-enabled CVA, ensuring levels of mobile phone ownership and digital literacy are taken into account,
- When using digital tools for CVA, considering long-term benefits – or multiplier effects – of digital and financial inclusion for recipients,
- Considering user feedback more systematically,
- Designing mobile money-enabled CVA programmes to address the needs of the most marginalised recipients,
- Partners should think strategically about their collective impact.