Mozilla publishes guide for reshaping data economy
Mozilla has released reports on data governance in different countries like Germany, India, Kenya, and the United States. The reports explore topics such as data intermediary for reproductive health, the impact of new laws on data altruism, creating data commons for accountability, and pooling data for transportation improvements in Nairobi. The reports also guide tech developers on laws and regulations in data-related fields while providing strategies to challenge unethical data practices.
Mozilla published a series of reports which explore data governance approaches around the world, with a focus on Germany, India, Kenya, and the USA. The reports – under the overarching title Is that even legal? A guide for builders experimenting with data governance provide case studies illustrating trustworthy data intermediary for reproductive health data post-Roe v. Wade in the USA; how the EU’s new Data Governance Act can be used to advance data altruism in Germany; how to create a data commons in India to hold electricity suppliers accountable; and how data can be pooled to improve Nairobi’s transportation system. The reports also offer tech developers a roadmap of key laws and regulations in their field and outline opportunities for challenging extracting data practices.