UN adopts China-led AI resolution

The non-binding resolution, initiated by China and co-sponsored by several other countries, seeks to foster international cooperation and urge organisations and financial institutions to support this cause.


The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution on AI capacity building, led by China. This non-binding resolution seeks to enhance developing countries’ AI capabilities through international cooperation and capacity-building initiatives. It also urges international organisations and financial institutions to support these efforts.

The resolution comes in the context of the ongoing technology rivalry between Beijing and Washington, as both nations strive to influence AI governance and portray each other as destabilising forces. Earlier this year, the US promoted a UN resolution advocating for ‘safe, secure, and trustworthy’ AI systems, gaining the support of over 110 countries, including China.

China’s resolution acknowledges the UN’s role in AI capacity-building and calls on Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to report on the unique challenges developing countries face and provide recommendations to address them.